I am going to do this post, one on fasting, and also finish the series on religious ecstasy before the start of Lent. Therefore, my posts on Mosaic Law might be a bit scarcer over the next couple of weeks.
I’m starting with this post because the information below helped me to take the first step of my spiritual journey at about the start of Lent six years ago.
Six years ago I was a secular humanist. I was wavered between being an atheist and an agnostic. I thought religions were convenient stories, invented by man, that parents could tell their kids so that the kids would be “good.”
I was closed to the truth. St. John of the Cross said that mortal sin produces total blindness. Fr. John Corapi says, “When good becomes evil, and evil becomes good, the light goes out, darkness falls, and indeed, if your light is darkness, how deep, how very deep will the darkness be.”
On or about February 6, 2005, I was driving home from work flipping radio stations. I stumbled upon the Drew Mariani show on Relevant Radio. Normally I would have immediately switched stations. At that moment, however, his guest Fr. Robert Altier was talking about curses, and it piqued my interest.
I don't remember everything he said, but it had a big impact on me. On that day I took the first step out of the darkness. Though it was a very small step, it was the first step, in about thirty years, that I took in the right direction . I had finally heard the truth and started to recognize it as such.
On the radio, Fr. Altier said that he could have his office fax a copy of a prayer to break curses, dedications, consecrations and blood contracts to listeners. The next morning I called his office and asked for a faxed copy.
I did a word search on the Internet and it doesn’t appear to be posted anywhere, so I thought that I’d re-type it here in its entirety. I didn’t change anything but a bit of formatting and I fixed some typos (and might have accidentally added a few typos).
Though there are a couple of things in the introduction (describing acupuncture and tattoos as being sinful) with which some could take issue, it is a powerful prayer and maybe someone could use it.
I don’t know Fr. Altier, but from what I’ve read about him on the Internet, he seems to be a very holy man. There are some parallels between his career as a priest and the careers of Padre Pio and St. John of the Cross.
For the breaking of Dedications, Consecrations and Blood Contracts
Dedications are acts done to a child or on behalf of a child prior to seven years of age, which would give the devil some kind of legal right in the area of the dedication, e.g. child abuse (physical or sexual), parents going to a psychic, a guru, or some other new age practitioner with a child in utero, bringing the child with them or somehow giving the children over to some kind of new age or Satanic influence: parents allowing young children to play "magic" games, e.g., magic eight ball, light as a feather stiff as a board, Ouija boards, séances, etc.
Consecrations are acts which are done by persons seven years of age and older by which they forge a legal bond with the devil in the area to which the act pertains, e.g., mortal sins against the 1st, 2nd, or 3rd Commandment, involvement in anything, New Age or occult, ingestion of semen, spilling of semen (even through masturbation) or "withdrawal" in the marriage act, use of condoms or other non-abortifacient contraceptives, going to concerts by bands whose music is Satanic, taking of illegal drugs, suicide attempts, etc. N.B. All blood contracts are also consecrations.
Blood Contracts are mortal sins, which also involve blood in one manner or another, e.g., formally making a pact with the devil and signing with blood, becoming "blood brothers/sisters," murder, abortion, contraceptive abortions, sodomy, violating or losing virginity outside of marriage (even if the person eventually became your spouse), intercourse during the menstrual period outside of a sacramental marriage, ingestion of blood (includes oral sex practices during menstruation outside of marriage) tattoos, acupuncture, sterilization, injections of illegal drugs, mutilation, body piercing, etc.
Directions: Using the prayers below - the first with the heading of Formal Rejection of a Satanic Consecration say the prayer entitled Person's Act of Rejection three times in its entirety inserting the names of the dedications, consecrations, and blood contracts of which you are aware into the spot near the end of the prayer where instructed. After praying the prayer three times, then pray the prayer with the heading, Person's Act of Re-Consecration three times in its entirety.
After the above prayers are completed, a priest must break the dedications, contracts, and consecrations (these can be done separately) with the prayers sent directly to him. The priest should name the dedications, contracts, and consecrations in his prayer, so it would be good for you to have a list for him. A Mass must also be said for the breaking of all blood contracts (you can have a Mass said for a "Special Intention" in order to maintain anonymity and propriety).
Formal Rejection of a Satanic Consecration
If a person has been consecrated to the devil, three times this wicked act must be personally rejected, three times the priest must break the seal, and three times the person must be re-consecrated to Jesus and Mary.
Person's Act of Rejection
I reject any consecration, dedication, contract (blood or otherwise), vow, pact, endowment, empowerment, hooks, lines, tentacles, roots, attachments, attenuations, bonds, ties or attachments, attractions or any connections with persons or beings, or promises to Satan of myself (my spouse, my children, grandchildren, lineage) my ego, psyche, heart, spirit soul, body, mind, memory, imagination, intellect, will, thoughts, (conscious, inner, subliminal, subconscious), thought patters, thought processes, ruminations, obsessing, deliberations, mental harassments, brooding, dwell gloomily, mental obfuscations, dreams, nightmares, faculties (my priestly ecclesiastical faculties), five senses of touch, taste, smell, sight, hearing, habits, appetites, passion, emotions, feelings, the brain, cranium, superior sagittal sinus, cerebral cortex, dura matter; falx cerebri, tentrium cerebella, arachnoid and subarachnoid space, pia matter, forebrain: cerebrum, lateral ventricles, interventricular foramen, third ventricle, cerebral aqueduct, fourth ventricle, choroids plexus, central canal, cisterns: great, superior, pontine, interpenduncular, lumbar cistern, basal nuclei, caudate nucleus, lenticular nucleus, subdivisions of white matter, corpus callosum, projection tracts, corona radiate, internal capsule, association tracts, amygdala, thalamus, hypothalamus, pineal gland/epithalamus, hypophsis, internal capsule, pituitary gland, cerebrospinal fluid, frontal lobe: (Broca and Wernike's areas - speech) pre-central gyrus (motor area), post-central gyrus (sensory area), temporal lobe-auditory area, occipital lobe - visual area, major fissures, longitdian and lateral fissures, central sulcus, midbrain (mesencephalon) cerebral peduncles, cerebral aqueduct, superior and inferior colliculi, superior cerebellar puduncle, cerebellum, hindbrain (metencephalon), pons, arbor vitae, middle cerebellar puduncles,(myelencephalon) medulla oblongata, pyramids, central nervous system, peripheral nervous system, 12 cranial nerves, eyes, retina, optic nerve, optic chiasma visual interpretive centers in the brain, inner, middle and external ears, and all of their parts including the tympanic membranes, anvil, stirrup, stapes, and ear canals skin, nose, nasal passages, nasal cavity, nasal pharanx, oropharanx, sinuses, epiglottis, thyrohyoid ligament, thyroid cartiledge, cricoids cartiledge, trachea, alimentary canal, mouth, teeth, toungue, soft palate, uvula, throat, thyroid gland, tonsils, adenoids, vocal cords, voice, larynx, laryngopharanx, esophagus, stomach, fugus body, pylorus, pyloric sphincter, rugae, stomach muscosa and muscularis muscosa, gastrointestinal hormones, gastric juices, vagus nerve, parietal peritoneum, lesser omentum, greater omentum, transverse mesocolon, mesentery, sigmoid mesocolon, diaphragm, duodenum, intestinal wall and constitutive parts, villi mucosa, ileum, ileocecal valve, cecum, ascending, transverse and descending colon, sigmoid colon, rectum, anal canal, anus, liver, gall bladder, kidneys, pancreas, spleen, adrenal glands, urinary system and tract, sexuality, reproductive system (male: penis, corpos cavernosum, crus and bulb, scrotum, testes, epididymis, cowpers glands, vas and ductus deferens, seminal vesicle, ejaculatory duct, urethra, bulbourethral gland, prostate gland, urogenital diaphragm, spermatic cord, spermatozoa) - (women: breast, mamillary glands, suspensory ligament, lactiferous duct, sinus, glandular lobe, ovaries, fallopian tube, uterus, vagina, clitoris, labia majora and minora, cervix) chest, ribs, scapulae, back: cervical thoracic, lumbar vertebrae, facet joints, spinal canal, discs, sciatic nerve, piriformis muscle, hips, legs, knees (patella, ACL, PCL, MCL, LCL, medial and lateral meniscus, patellar tendon), feet, toes, arms, hands, fingers, muscles, skeletal system, pain receptors, heart, aorta, cardiac arteries, veins, capillaries, and the cardiovascular system, circulatory system, my blood pressure, cholesterol, blood (red blood cells, white blood cells, platelets), bones with their marrow, ligaments, tendons, connective tissue, fascia, healthy bacteria, immune system, lymph system, lungs, bronchioles, alveoli and the pulmonary system, endocrine system, skeletal-musculo system, fatty tissue, waste system and products of sweat, saliva, urine, feces, hormonal system, nervous system, all bodily functions, and all unnamed body parts, functions, systems, and all named or unnamed internal processes (Now insert all consecrations, dedications, etc.) in the Name of the Father and of the Son, and of the Holy Spirit (Repeat three times).
Prayer for a Person's Act of Re-Consecration
I consecrate and rededicate and offer myself (if married and a parent, insert children, grandchildren, lineage, and spouse's name), myself, my ego, psyche, heart, spirit soul, body, mind, memory, imagination, intellect, will, thoughts (conscious, inner, subliminal, subconscious), thought patters, thought processes, ruminations, obsessing, deliberations, mental harassments, brooding, dwell gloomily, mental obfuscations, dreams, nightmares, faculties (my priestly ecclesiastical faculties), five senses of touch, taste, smell, sight, hearing, habits, appetites, passion, emotions, feelings, the brain, cranium, superior sagittal sinus, cerebral cortex, dura matter; falx cerebri, tentrium cerebelli, arachnoid and subarachnoid space, pia matter, forebrain: cerebrum, lateral ventricles, interventricular foramen, third ventricle, cerebral aqueduct, fourth ventricle, choroids plexus, central canal, cisterns: great, superior, pontine, interpenduncular, lumbar cistern, basal nuclei, caudate nucleus, lenticular nucleus, subdivisions of white matter, corpus callosum, projection tracts, corona radiate, internal capsule, association tracts, amygdala, thalamus, hypothalamus, pineal gland/epithalamus, hypophsis, internal capsule, pituitary gland, cerebrospinal fluid, frontal lobe: (Broca and Wernike's areas - speech) pre-central gyrus (motor area), post-central gyrus (sensory area), temporal lobe-auditory area, occipital lobe - visual area, major fissures, longitdian and lateral fissures, central sulcus, midbrain (mesencephalon) cerebral peduncles, cerebral aqueduct, superior and inferior colliculi, superior cerebellar puduncle, cerebellum, hindbrain (metencephalon), pons, arbor vitae, middle cerebellar puduncles,(myelencephalon) medulla oblongata, pyramids, central nervous system, peripheral nervous system, 12 cranial nerves, eyes, retina, optic nerve, optic chiasma visual interpretive centers in the brain, inner, middle and external ears, and all of their parts including the tympanic membranes, anvil, stirrup, stapes, and ear canals skin, nose, nasal passages, nasal cavity, nasal pharanx, oropharanx, sinuses, epiglottis, thyrohyoid ligament, thyroid cartiledge, cricoids cartiledge, trachea, alimentary canal, mouth, teeth, toungue, soft palate, uvula, throat, thyroid gland, tonsils, adenoids, vocal cords, voice, larynx, laryngopharanx, esophagus, stomach, fugus body, pylorus, pyloric sphincter, rugae, stomach muscosa and muscularis muscosa, gastrointestinal hormones, gastric juices, vagus nerve, parietal peritoneum, lesser omentum, greater omentum, transverse mesocolon, mesentery, sigmoid mesocolon, diaphragm, duodenum, intestinal wall and constitutive parts, villi mucosa, ileum, ileocecal valve, cecum, ascending, transverse and descending colon, sigmoid colon, rectum, anal canal, anus, liver, gall bladder, kidneys, pancreas, spleen, adrenal glands, urinary system and tract, sexuality, reproductive system (male: penis, corpos cavernosum, crus and bulb, scrotum, testes, epididymis, cowpers glands, vas and ductus deferens, seminal vesicle, ejaculatory duct, urethra, bulbourethral gland, prostate gland, urogenital diaphragm, spermatic cord, spermatozoa) - (women: breast, mamillary glands, suspensory ligament, lactiferous duct, sinus, glandular lobe, ovaries, fallopian tube, uterus, vagina, clitoris, labia majora and minora, cervix) chest, ribs, scapulae, back: cervical thoracic, lumbar vertebrae, facet joints, spinal canal, discs, sciatic nerve, piriformis muscle, hips, legs, knees (patella, ACL, PCL, MCL, LCL, medial and lateral meniscus, patellar tendon), feet, toes, arms, hands, fingers, muscles, skeletal system, pain receptors, heart, aorta, cardiac arteries, veins, capillaries, and the cardiovascular system, circulatory system, my blood pressure, cholesterol, blood (red blood cells, white blood cells, platelets), bones with their marrow, ligaments, tendons, connective tissue, fascia, healthy bacteria, immune system, lymph system, lungs, bronchioles, alveoli and the pulmonary system, endocrine system, skeletal-musculo system, fatty tissue, waste system and products of sweat, saliva, urine, feces, hormonal system, nervous system, all bodily functions, and all unnamed body parts, functions, systems, and all named or unnamed internal processes to the Sacred Heart of Jesus, the Immaculate Heart of Mary, and the Just Heart of Joseph, in the Name of the Father and of the Son, and of the Holy Spirit. Amen (Repeat three times).
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